Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Didn't See Any Whales But That's Alright

Binoculars are brilliant.
I love them.
If you gave the sea shop lady 4 dollars before boarding the boat for the whale-watch, you could rent a pair of those brilliant babies for the whole trip. 
Yes, binoculars. 
4 dollars?
I found out soon that that was a small price in exchange for a tool in teaching me a big lesson.

My arms got a little tired, holding those suckers up to my eyes. And when I climbed down to the lowest floor of the boat, the bathroom mirror warned me that if I didn’t un-suction those power glasses from my face I would have an awfully pretty tan line.
I told the mirror it was well-worth it,
and climbed back to the top deck.

Binoculars let me, for a little while, step into a life outside the life in front of me. Almost like hopping from one mini movie theatre to the next.
I could easily let the minutes stack up watching just one moving image of the sun on the water, with my phone tucked into the sleeve of my jacket, propped against my ear, playing Passion praises. I felt like I was participating in a little bit of awe in those moments. My heart swelling with every word of worship, every wave, just thinking about His beauty- endless, like the sea seemed.
But boy, was I wrong. But I’ll get to that later.

My eyes were changed on that ride. In more ways than one. But first, my eyes had a new mission. I was constantly looking out for new things to zoom in on, new mini movies to watch.
Ah! Perfect! I could look at the sun!
I’ve always liked to look at the sun. I love the light. Sometimes, it hurts, but I just can’t keep my eyes off of it. I’ve been told I’m a little off and that I should probably stop if I like to see. But, I’ve met one other person who does the same thing, and that’s been enough for me to continue to enjoy in this secret pleasure.
But anyway, I scan my binoculars across the sky... until… AHHH!!
Found it.
Yellow-white invaded my little circle of sight, immediately shoving my face away from what was no longer my new, friendly, innocuous toy. In that one moment- my hands held something dangerous. Mighty dangerous.
I’d never seen brightness like that before. I’d never seen light like that before.
I couldn’t take it! This wasn’t like the same sun I would stare at for at least a handful of minutes before forfeiting. I could not bear to be in the presence of this light for a microsecond.
What was I thinking? Striking up an arm eye-wrestle with the SUN? I'm surprised my pupils didn't just disintegrate right there on the spot. There was no match to wrestle. My eyeballs were forced to forfeit the microsecond the match began. 

But I think I learned massive lesson in that microsecond.
I think I learned a little bit about the glory of the Lord.
After almost losing my sight, I was immediately shot to the story of Moses on Mount Sinai.
Bear with me.

“And the Lord said, ‘I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, 
and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence… 
But,’ he said, ‘you cannot see my face, for no one my see my face and live.’
Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. 
When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; 
but my face must not be seen.” 
Exodus 33:19-23

We cannot handle the glory of the Lord. It's simply too much for us. And if I was taken back by the sun, I cannot even imagine, fathom, dream up what it will be like to worship in the fullness of His presence one day. Forever.

He is glorious.

And this must be why, “when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.” (34:29)

Now I can’t say I hit the deck, Moses-style in 34:8, after I was bombarded by the marvelous light.
But hat was only the smallest fraction. 

Call it silly…
But after just that one microsecond,  
(okay, maybe two, the kid in me had to peak again)
my vision of Him will be completely different. Forever.
My worship will be changed. Forever.

So, I guess if you find your perception of God beginning to shrink,
just take some binoculars to the sun.

Orrrrr… maybe you shouldn’t. ;)
Just trust me on this one. J
Or Moses.

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit,”
2 Corinthians 3:18  

Dear Lord,
Thank you for opening my eyes to Your glory,  Your bigness, and my smallness. You heard me when I asked to be humbled, and I will never forget this moment. To know You is what I long to live for, and I feel like that was a “Hi, I’m God, Nice to meet you Cassie” moment. I needed that; thanks for knowing just what I need. Thank you for being Beauty. That You, YOU, love me, ME, stuns me. Thank You.
Oh, and thanks for not blinding me. J
I love you!
In Your Glorious Name,

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers…
What is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?”
Psalm 8:3-4

And, if you want to unveil, no pun intended, something absolutely incredible… 
check out the rest of Exodus 34, followed by 2 Corinthians 3:13-18.


  1. I love your insight-it's so easy to slip into your perception through your writing! Have you ever heard the song "What do I know of Holy?" by Addison Road? The lyrics remind me a lot of your experience. Thanks for the great reminder!

  2. You find inspiration and connection to God in the slightest things. Inspiring.
